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Treasurer's Office
Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas to Help Taxpayers Seek Refunds During Oct. 3 'Las Casas Latinas Importan' Phone Bank with Telemundo Chicago
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Treasurer's Office
La Tesorera del Condado Cook, Maria Pappas, ayudara a contribuyentes a buscar reembolsos durante el banco telefonico 'Las Casas Latinas Importan' del 03 de octubre con Telemundo Chicago
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Treasurer's Office
Treasurer Pappas creates Polish language video on how to use new online Payment Plan Calculator
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Treasurer's Office
Skarbnik Powiatu Cook Maria Pappas tworzy polskojzyczne wideo o tym, jak korzystac z nowego internetowego Kalkulatora Planu Patnosci podatku od nieruchomoci
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Treasurer's Office
Pappas: New Payment Plan Calculator helps homeowners pay late taxes in smaller increments to avoid 'merciless' Annual Tax Sale
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